Our face changes as we age. The most prominent features of aging are: muscle and skin hanging, flabby skin as well as volume decrease in certain areas that makes lines of expression more evident and produces a tired and deteriorated appearance in our face. We have two options to regain the volume loss in facial contour as well as to diminish lines of expression and the damage produced through the years: our own fat and substances such as hyaluronic acid. Hyaluronic acid is an essential substance for a healthy and beautiful skin.
What is it?
About the procedure
- It is an ambulatory procedure done under topical anesthesia.
- Its application lasts 10 – 15 minutes aprox.
- The areas most commonly approached are the forehead, the nose, the crow’s feet, lower eyelids, facial furrows (nasolabial, infraorbital, etc.), chin, mandible and lips.
- The total dose to be applied as well as the duration of the effect varies widely from person to person.
- We NEVER use substances of unknown origin or other detrimental synthetic compounds to shape facial features, because these predispose people towards disastrous complications.
- Benefits can be seen immediately.
- The effects lasts between 8 – 10 months.
- Reapplications can be done once the inflammatory response is resolved.
- You may resume your normal activities as soon as the application finishes.
More options
Breast Augmentation
Breast Lift
Breast Reduction
Breast Reconstruction
Mommy Makeover
Lipo HD
Tummy Tuck
Buttock Enhancement
Eyelid Surgery
Facelift Surgery
Nose Surgery
Ear Surgery
Cheek Reduction
Dermal Fillers
Vaginal Rejuvenation
G- Shot